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Better Outdoor Photo Techniques

These tips will help to make sure the photos you take in the garden look great, the difference between an amateur photo and a professional one.

By Hugh Finlay

Now you can have a really great photos of those special scenes you see in the garden. There are tips which the professionals use to get really top class photos. Now you can use them for your photos in the garden.

The Main Theme

Says Brenda Tharp " There's a big difference between that for-the-record shot that preserves a memory and getting a really nice image."
Look for the unique element that made you notice the great scene in the first place. Once you have pinpointed that unique element, judge the photo to emphasize this element. "It's really about narrowing down your purpose in making that picture." says Brenda Tharp. Look to see if you can take the photo from an angle that will make it really special.

Right Light

Check that the light is right. "People love sunlight, but it's not the right light for every subject. For intimate views of nature, opt for soft or diffused light." says Brenda Tharp. A cloudy day can make the light softer, toning down sharp shadows. It can increase the exposure, and reveal the details in a better way. Sunlight can make landscape photos more dramatic. Apart from taking these photos when the sun is directly overhead, look to see if the softer light of the morning sun, or evening sun, will be better for these scenes.


In your photo, show details that most people would not usually notice in passing. Your camera allows you to zoom in on these details. This will give your photo a level of detail which can be fascinating. As Patty Hankins a floral photographer, from Bethesda in Maryland, says "It's about filling the frame with small details." Use the close-up function on your camera, to zoom in on these details.

Subject's Position

Avoid putting the subject of the photo in the center of the picture. The picture will look more interesting if the subject is a little off-center. "It's going to make the photo more pleasing to the eye. It gives it balance." says Rob Simpson, the nature photography instructor in Lord Fairfax College, Middletown, Virginia.

The Edges

Look at the picture through the camera to see if the picture looks good. Are there are any awkward or distracting details at the edges, that would spoil the effect of the picture?

Add More Depth

Aim to make your photo more lifelike, by making it more 3-dimensional. Have something in the background, and in the foreground, in the photo. A way to make a photo more 3-dimensional is to angle the picture slightly downward to emphasize the subject in the foreground. Another way to add dimension to your photo is to experiment with the aperture function in your camera. The aperture is the amount of light that will be admitted through the camera lens.

Moving Photos

When photographing something in motion emphasize the shutter speed function in your camera. If the shutter speed is not right, the moving object will turn into a blur, instead of freezing in the photo. If you are photographing an animal, wait for the right moment to capture the animal in that special pose, to catch its personality.

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