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The Incredible Story Of The David Lynch Foundation

Dr. Bob Roth the CEO of the David Lynch Foundation, and Dr. Adam Pressman the media director, tell of the latest progress in bringing relief to half a million children and at-risk populations worldwide, through promoting the evidence-based Transcendental Meditation (TM) program.

By Hugh Finlay

Main Points

  • Dr. Adam Pressman the director of media, production and development at David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness Based Education and World Peace, USA, reviews its latest achievements to bring the program of Transcendental Meditation to many schools in the US and elsewhere.
  • Pan-American simultaneous group meditations to raise collective coherence. The aim is to develop it into a global group meditation. Everyone is connected in the same underlying field of consciousness to create peace in the world.
  • Bobby Roth uses the analogy of a boat on the surface of a stormy ocean, to describe the turbulence of everyday life, contrasting this with the silent depths of the ocean bed, which can be likened to the state of calmness, pure consciousness, experienced in TM. DLF is there to bring this state of calmness to people everywhere.
  • Half a million people worldwide have learned TM as a result of the efforts of the DLF. The US Surgeon General has said that kids in particular, today are drowning in stress. There has been no pill or treatment to cure trauma and stress, until TM came.
  • Some members of the US congress and Senate are learning TM.
  • Chicago Crime Lab gave a $300,000 grant to DLF to deal with stress in some of the toughest schools. TM was so successful, the grant was raised to $1 million in 2017, and will be $2.6 million in 2018.
  • The US Department of Defense gave a $2.4 million grant for a study on the effects of TM on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The results, soon to be released, were profound. 70% of veterans have PTSD from the time of the Vietnam war.
  • The New York Government has given a major grant to offer TM to 500-1000 women, who have suffered from abuse by men.
  • The Rona and Jeffrey Abramson Center for Peace has been set up to teach 10,000 inner city kids to learn TM. This group will create a positive influence on the collective consciousness and the US Government in the city, Washington DC.
  • Dhammajarinee Witthaya School in Thailand has 800 girls, doing TM and its advanced techniques. The school is aiming to expand its number to 1000 girls. The school director is a Buddhist nun, Dr. Maechee Aunampai Passakchai, who says that TM helps the girls follow the 5 precepts of Buddha.

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