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Climbing Mount Sinai

Unforgettable climbing experience to the biblical mountain. Can you imagine ever having stood on top of the world? I did. Can you imagine a place where God spoke directly to Moses and the people of Israel? I was there.

By Emo Baer

Can you imagine ever having stood on top of the world?

I did.

Can you imagine a place where
God spoke directly to Moses
and the people of Israel?

Climbing Mount Sinai

I was there.

In the middle of the vast Sinai desert
three black granite peaks
rise above the wide sea of sand:

Early morning, still night,
A bald monk dressed in a brown robe
opens the inner gate with an enormous key
to let us out,
to ascend the holy mount.

At first, we go up a comfortable trail
and passing by the miraculous place
where Moses hit the rock,
a mighty spring splashes out
for the thirsty waiting crowd.

Later, steep steps chiseled in the hard granite
Lead us to the top;
A tiny chapel built of black rocks
greets the heavy-breathing climbers.

The cool air refreshes like a calming spray.

I feel I stand on holy ground.

I can hear God speaking to the prophet;
when I look down
I see a gathered mass
waiting for the enlightening message.

All the lower mountains,
like giant sheep
surround the mighty ram,
where I stand.

Sancta Catharina Monastery

A frail light glimmers
on the edge of the distant horizon,
a silver lining flashing
on the lower mountain chain.

A shining strip marks
the rising sun –

Now more brightness
lightens the vastness;
A new day begins
as a million years before.

Staring breathlessly,
overwhelmed with nature's splendor,
I settle down behind a hidden rock
to go into myself –

an unforgettable relaxation,
a peaceful bliss captures me
as I try to grasp the enormity
of this eternal instant.

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